Wednesday, November 22, 2006

Where's my burrito?

I've seem to lost my burrito. Where did it go? I left it right on this table when I got up to get some hot sauce. Now it is gone! Did some vandal steal it?I sure hope not! Who would want to break into my apartment to steal a burrito? Did my dog eat it? Unlikely, since I don't have a dog. Where did it go? This is quite the mystery. Maybe it's underneath my couch. I shall look. Yup, there it is.
MMMMM burrito.
That Jessica Simpson digital cable commercial is so funny!

Have you seen that digital cable commerical in which Jessica Simpson plays Daisy Duke and talks about how you are missing out if you don't have digital cable? You know the one I mean, it ends with her saying, "I don't know what it is, but I totally want it." That commerical! It's so funny! Jessica Simpson is such a great actress! First she made Dukes of Hazzard, then the delightful Employee of the Month and now this uproarous commercial. Is there anything she can't do? I think not! Singer and actress in one, that's quite a talent. Wow! I think Jessica and her sister Ashlee need to make a movie together. If the Duff sisters can make a movie, then surely the Simpson sisters can too.

Thursday, November 09, 2006

This movie based off a true story, therefore it is automatically good. How can you possibly hate something that really happened? Last week my friend and I watched Patch Adams and I thought it was sooooo good, but my friends said it was crap. I told them it was based off a true story, therefore it couldn't be bad. They told me mostly everything in the movie was made up, I was appalled by their lies. Why would filmmakers bastardize the truth? What would they have to gain by doing such a terrible thing? To quote Jean Luc Godard..or was it Francois is "24 truths a second," or something like that. I don't know, but I do know that anything film based on true events is automatically a good movie and if you hate the truth, then you hate life. That's my opinion, now I think I will watch the historically accurate film Pocahantas.

Wednesday, November 08, 2006

My apartment is haunted.
Last night I heard weird noises come from the kitchen in my apartment and came to conclusion that it is haunted. Now, there is no history of murder in my apartment, no one else has reported anything out of the ordinary, but I am convinced it is haunted. If you do not believe my apartment is haunted, then you are closed minded. I am open minded, therefore I am more susceptible to ghosts and other paranormal activities.
One time, I saw an alien eating Taco Bell and when I told my friend he said it wasn't an alien, just a college student with a mohawk. Closed minded fascist! Why don't people believe me? Why can't people believe! I think they need to watch the Polor Express and listen to lyrics to that one song, "If you just believe." That's a good movie!

Monday, November 06, 2006

Maybe the Bears aren't for real!

After watching the Chicago Bears lose to the Miami Dolphins on Sunday it has dawned on me that maybe, just maybe the Bears aren't for real. I mean let's face it they've had a pretty easy schedule up to this point and the next few weeks are going to be tough on them. It's one thing to score 41 points against the 49ers, but I highly doubt they will be able to put up such numbers against teams like the Giants, Patriots, and the Rams. They're still a good football team, but I don't think they have what it takes to win the Super Bowl. I'll wait and see what Tony Kornheiser has to say about the Bears, he is after all an expert. He's the one who called them a "team of destiny" after their win against the Cardinals on Monday Night Football. I don't know what to think. I'm so confused!
It's time to kick off the Christmas season!

Christmas is just around the corner, which means it times to kick off the Christmas season. I think I will begin the season by taking the children to see Santa Clause 3; it looks so delightful. The first two Santa Clause films were so cute. It might be a good idea to watch the first two films before I see the third one. I don't want to go into Santa Clause 3 and not be able to follow the narrative. I love Christmas. My favorite Christmas memory is seeing The Grinch on Thanksgiving with my family. That movie was sheer joy from beginning to end. I love Jim Carrey. I already put up my Christmas decorations and I've been listening to Manheim Steamroller for the last three days. I love Manheim Streamroller, their Christmas albums are sooooo good. Oh look, the Coke cans with Santa on them are on the shelves. I think I'll buy at least seven or eight 12 packs. This is going to be one awesome Christmas!

Thursday, November 02, 2006

Let's go clubbing

We totally got to hit the clubs and pick up some babes. It will be awesome! I have it all figured out, we will walk up to a group of hotties and start groping them, pretending that it's all part our dance routine. They will totally get horny and we will totally score. It will be cool. C'mon let's go clubbing, I guarantee we will get laid. And if we don't at least we can cop a feel. Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha! I remember one time I went clubbing, I saw this angelic babe in a small, tight uniform dancing on a platform, so I pretended to lose my footing and my hand "accidentally" touched her breasts. It was cool. Then she was like, "Watch it jerk!" I apologized and went on to the dance floor and "accidentally" grabbed a few women's asses. Ha Ha! I told my friends about it the next day while playing Final Fantasy VIII, they were so jealous. Then I came to the horrible realization that it was all dream. I didn't go clubbing! I didn't grope any unsuspecting women! It was one big DREAM! I was so depressed. My lone goal in life is to clubbing, I got to make this one dream come true! I got to! I just go to or else my life is empty, much like the awful Pirates of the Caribbean sequel.
It's unanimous: The Marine is the greatest movie of all time.

Last night I saw The Marine with my bros and we all agreed that it was the greates movie of all time. I had not been this impressed with a movie since Walking Tall starring The Rock. John Cena was AWESOME! He was one major bad ass; I sure hope there is a sequel in the works, because I really need to see more adventures starring the Marine. And the chick who played his wife, she was HAWT! And best all, it had that one dude from Terminator 2 as the head villain. He's one mean bro! If you're looking for a great film that is both deep and exciting, The Marine is for you.