Man, it's such a wonderful day to see a movie! I love movies, especially when viewed on the Ultrascreen. The Ultrascreen is ten times better than a regular sized screen, because the picture is bigger, therefore it is better. It sucked they didn't show The DaVinci Code on the Ultrascreen; hopefully they will show Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Man's Chest on it. I'm so psyched to see that movie. Not only does it have Johnny Depp (who is the greatest actor EVER), but it has bad ass special effects, not to mention Keira Knightley. I don't know about you, but if I'm not watching a movie on the Ultrascreen, I'm not watching a movie at all. Regular sized screens just can't capture the sheer scope of a film like the Ultrascreen. Nor can a regular sized screen capture the sheer hotness of Keira Knightley. When you see that glowing face on the Ultrascreen, it is truly a moving experience. I tried watching Star Wars Episode III on a regular sized screen and I just couldn't get into the story. People tried to convince me that it was because of the bad writing. However, if the writing was so bad, how come I was cheering when I saw it in the Ultrascreen? Huh?
I wish there were more Ultrascreens in the states, then I would have no reason to stay home and watch television.
Gogins you sound so dishy. Will you marry me? I fancy you.
Hey move over bitch Mr. Dishy is mine.
Girls, there's no need to fight, both of you can marry me. YEAH!
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