Thursday, November 09, 2006

This movie based off a true story, therefore it is automatically good. How can you possibly hate something that really happened? Last week my friend and I watched Patch Adams and I thought it was sooooo good, but my friends said it was crap. I told them it was based off a true story, therefore it couldn't be bad. They told me mostly everything in the movie was made up, I was appalled by their lies. Why would filmmakers bastardize the truth? What would they have to gain by doing such a terrible thing? To quote Jean Luc Godard..or was it Francois is "24 truths a second," or something like that. I don't know, but I do know that anything film based on true events is automatically a good movie and if you hate the truth, then you hate life. That's my opinion, now I think I will watch the historically accurate film Pocahantas.

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