Tuesday, June 28, 2005

I have added a few links to my wonderful sight.
Matt Majewski is the one who inspired me to start my own blog, so you can either thank him or blame him for the creation of this site.
Dave Faber loves bad movies, therefore he is a wise man. Check his site out, the kid needs support.
Will Marean is from California, and chances are he will have a delightful section in his blog all about surfing. If not, then he is a liar.
Kevin Neville, well.. take pity on the guy he has a uni-brow. Please visit his blog, let him know he is loved. He needs it. I remember one time he walked up to and said, "Goggins man....I don't know if I can make it through college. My uni-brow is getting in the way of my studies. So,I gave him some worldly advice, "Don't think....act!" He was enlightened and because of my wisdom he graduated. I'm a hero!

1 comment:

Kevin said...

Its true, my unibrow would have consumed me long ago if it weren't for Bryan Goggins. You truely are a king of kings.