Monday, June 27, 2005

You know what's annoying? When women fish for compliments by knocking their looks. It's the most annoying thing on the planet. A woman desperately needs someone to verify she is attractive, but since no one is paying attention to her, she makes the first move by putting herself down. Men generally fall for this tactic and convince the woman she is not ugly. Here is a typical exchange:

Woman: I'm ugly.

Man: No, you're not!

Woman: Yes, I am. My nose is too big. I wish I had a smaller nose. Everytime I look in the mirror I cringe.

Man: You're nose is fine. You're not ugly, you're a fairly attractive woman.

Woman: Really? Do you REALLY think I'm attractive?

Man: Yes, I do!

Woman: No, you don't. You're just saying that to be nice.

Man: No, I mean it. You are an extremely good looking women.

Man: Yes!

Woman: Oh, that's so sweet!

Then the conversation ends and awkward silence fills the air as the stupid man tries to think of something to say to the woman.
So men, next time a woman puts down her looks, don't argue with her, agree with her. It will end the conversation in no time flat, and you won't have to worry about the awkward silence that follows.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

This isn't only truth, it's also fact