Tuesday, March 21, 2006

It's been two weeks since I've lasted posted on this blog and in two weeks time, absolutely nothing has happened. In fact, about the only exciting thing that happened to me was that I was abducted by aliens. But I'm sure you don't want to hear such a boring story. Alien abduction is an accepted FACT at this moment, it happens practically to every one. I remember my sister was abducted when she was five and I was so jealous that they abducted her and not me. In fact, most of my friends were abducted long before I was.. Alas. Alas, what was I to do? Last week, after I was abducted, I told my friends rather enthusiastically, "I'VE FINALLY BEEN ABDUCTED BY ALIENS!"
They all laughed and said, "What's the big deal? We've been abducted like 50 times. Do you think you're special?" I broke into tears. It used to be big news if some one was abducted by aliens, now no one seems to notice.

1 comment:

Dave said...

Goggins, it has come to my attention that I think you're running out of things to criticize and parody. You need to do something to remedy this!

If this is still the situation, I believe going to see Garfield 2: A Tale of Two Kitties in June will be the cure!