Wednesday, March 08, 2006

The Oscars!

I'm happy to report that I did not watch the Oscars, because the Oscars are friggin' lame. There was a time when the Oscars used to honor excellence in the cinema, now their goal is to honor films that didn't suck. In a matter of years, mediocre films will be nominated for Best Picture, wait this has all ready happened, how else do you explain A Beautiful Mind? Ha Ha! I hate awards ceremonies, there's nothing more annoying than over hyped, over paid celebrities patting each other on the back for a job well done. The Oscars should be put of their misery, but sadly it go on and on, long after I am dead and forgotten.Oh wait, I am forgotten. Who am I? God, I'm old. Where's my cane? I need my cane, I can't walk without. AHHHH!
The End! Color By Technicolor. Filmed in Panavision

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