Tuesday, January 03, 2006

I recently saw Chronicles of Narnia and it wasn't as bad ass as I thought it would be. From the previews I was expecting a kick ass film with lots of bloody battles scenes, cool special effects, and nonstop, heart pounding action, instead I got a film with four children, cute animals and other cutesy wutesy things throw in the mix. In short, it was extremely non-bad ass in it's presentation. I was hoping for another Lord of the Rings, instead I got a Harry Potter film with out the memorable, kick ass villians.

By the way, Peter Jackson's King Kong was AWESOME! I had my doubts when I heard Jackson was remaking that cheesy movie from the 70s, but after seeing it, I was impressed. Jack Black is hilarious as the crazy film director and the dude who played Gollum in LOTR plays Kong. This film is the epitomy of BAD ASS! The only thing I didn't like about the movie was the romance between Kong and the hot chick from The Ring, Nicole Kidman if I'm not mistaken. The loves scenes were boring and almost ruined the film's over all bad assedness.
I give it a 7/10. Unlike Narnia, which I give a 4/10.

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