Sunday, September 25, 2005

In the past, I have often attacked liberals for being complete idiots, which has given at least two people the false impression that I am a Republican. However, let it be known that I despise Republicans about as much as I despise liberals. If Bush is the best the Republicans have to offer, then the party is in serious shit. If John Kerry wasn't such a nostalgic, Hollywood ass kissing tool, he probably would have won the election. Unfortunately, he couldn't make up his mind about anything except that he was a war hero and it cost him votes. Extreme conservatives are as equally annoying as extreme liberals; especially conservatives like Micheal Medved, who constantly make it a point to tell Americans what is and what is not offensive. If you don't know who Michael Medved is, he used to have a PBS show called Sneak Previews with Jeffrey Lyons, in which they reviewed current movies. Medved practically hated every film that wasn't family friendly. He generally championed crap like Rookie of the Year because it had good values, while he denounced films like Pulp Fiction, because they were morally corrupt and bad influences on our society. Obviously, Medved was oblivious to the main theme in Pulp Fiction: Redemption. The characters in each story have a chance to redeem themselves; the ones that take the chance wind up living with a new out look on life at the films end.
Michael Medved was also one of the many interviewees in the dreadful Celsius 41.11, in which all he does is ridicule John Kerry, while making himself seem so much better for being a conservative.
Then you get the extreme conservative morons who make it their mission to ban books, little realizing that by making a big fuss over these books, they are helping its sales. Banning books will not solve anything, except aiding a struggling author in his quest to become a top selling author. Liberals and conservatives should solve all their differences by playing a nice game of tackle football, not only would they get all the hostility out of the way, they might become good friends by the game's end. That is my thought. This is probably the most political I will ever get on this blog, which I'm sure all five of you are grateful for.
Thank you!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Medved can be an idiot sometimes, yes he's not a good movie reviewer, but as being a former leftist, he is good at debating leftist ideals, much like David Horowitz.